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Ash Wednesday Service

  • CrossPoint Church Chino 6950 Edison Avenue Chino, CA, 91710 United States (map)

You’re invited

We invite you to our Ash Wednesday service on March 5 at CrossPoint. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, our 40-day journey with Jesus, which culminates with his crucifixion on Good Friday, and ultimately, his victorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We hope you will join us from 6:45-7:45 PM in the Worship Center.

Note: Cadets, GEMS, CPYouth and other Wednesday night groups will meet; service will begin after drop off and end before pick up. CPYouth will attend the Ash Wednesday service together instead of regular programming.

Why celebrate Ash Wednesday?

Earlier Event: February 19
The Season of Lent
Later Event: March 6
GriefShare at CrossPoint